leaving rankmath for yoast


How I left Rankmath and went back to Yoast

I  switched to Rankmath for my SEO plugin and then decided I wanted to go back to Yoast. To my disappointment when trying to leave Rankmath and switch to Yoast I found there was no option to import rankmath settings into Yoast! I checked with Fuel Your Photos to see what was needed to be saved from Rankmath and added into yoast

Before deactivating the Rankmath plugin I copied down each blog post or page title, url, meta and keyphrase into a spreadsheet.

how to leave rankmath

I opened up each blog post and copied info from the snippet editor.

snippet info

The Author column is actually where I put the blog title. The Priority column was just notes for me on how much I cared in case this was super time consuming and I got distracted on six other things. (raise your hand if you normally operate with 5 or more tabs open on 3 different browsers at ones!)

I wasn’t sure what would and what wouldn’t transfer over, so I checked it by temporarily activating Yoast and deactivating Rankmath. It appeared that all but the meta description and keyphrase were transferring.


So next I added the meta and keyphrase. And it looked good. Then I rinsed and repeated on all posts and pages started while using Rankmath.

In my case I never set up any no-index or any other advanced settings while in Rankmath, so that’s all I did. Everything that I’d previously done in Yoast prior appeared again when I activated Yoast.


I hope that helps anyone who finds themselves in this situation!


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